

Producer Yolanda Molina & Family

Farm name El Rincón

Region La Libertad, Huehuetenango

Altitude 1,500 – 1,800 masl

Processing Washed

Species Arabica

Variety(ies) Caturra, Bourbon & Catuai

Harvest January - March


El Rincón is a farm located in the department of La Libertad in the region of Huehuetenango. Huehuetenango is the highest growing region in Guatemala, making its coffees some of the most valued in the country.

In 1956 Roberto Molina and his wife Yolanda Molina, acquired the farm and began to plant Caturra, Bourbon and Catuaí, which is the essence of this lot. Although the farm now grows some other varieties like Java and Arabigo, this lot made with washed Caturra, Bourbon and Catuai, is the farm’s signature profile.

In 2012 the death of Roberto pushed Yolanda Molina to make some decisions for the farm, a place she has been deeply connected to for her whole life. Younger generations joined the management of the farm. They have started to process natural and honey coffees as well as their fully washed coffees, and planted new varieties. The Molina Family are Cousins of the Vides Family, that own neighbouring farms as well as a processing facility used by El Rincon.

The farm is located in a ‘rincón’, a top end part of a mountain. The plantation follows the slope of mountains and reach 1800 meters on it’s highest part. In 2012 after the death of Roberto Molina, Yolanda Molina starts working with the Vides Family. Now, the farm is focused in process washed, natural and honeys. Vides family supports the agriculture and management assistance.


  • After the cherries are picked, thy are directly washed and soaked in tanks at the neighboring farm, La Bolsa, owned by members of Yolanda family.

  • The coffee dries in Parchment for 16 days on patio

Rio Tinto is the name of one a river that has its source in El Rincón farM.


Aromas: chocolate, tonka, grape
Flavours: milk chocolate, caramel, lemon zest, tangerine, apple


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