Producer Maria Vides
Farm name La Guitarra
Region La Libertad, Huehuetenango
Altitude 1 800 - 1 940 masl
Processing Washed
Species Arabica
Variety(ies) Bourbon, San Ramon
Harvest January - April
Although the Vides family have long-time experience in coffee growing, this is a fairly new coffee farm in the family’s assets. Finca La Guitarra is located between two steep mountains in La Libertad Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
Vides family bought the farm in 2017 with the clear aim of growing exclusively higher scoring coffees. Indeed, La Guitarra gathers some key attributes in that field:
the farm reaches fairly high altitudes and reaches 1937 masl at its highest point,
here, you only find 2 varieties of arabica: San Ramon and Bourbon. The Elegance if the Bourbon is enriched with the complexity of San Ramon variety. San Ramon descends from the Typica family and adapts well to the highest altitude of Guatemala. Although it is resistant to extreme climate conditions and disease, it has a far lower yield than Tyica or Bourbon.
Another good think about San Ramon and Bourbon, is that the plants like to grow among other trees, which makes La Guitarra be a rich ecosystem.
The farm has been called La Guitarra because of the many lianas that hang from a dense forest that borders the coffee plantations, and look like guitar strings. It goes without saying that the forest attracts many bird species that when they sing, make the farm live up to its name.
This is a fully washed lot
The high altitude of the farm pushed the harvest to January-March in comparaison of the lower altitude coffees that are harvested rom November to January.
After the removal of floaters, the mucilage is removed with water
The coffee dries in Parchment for 16 days on patio
This is definitely in our top 3 lots this year. Let’s start with the aromas: apricot, chocolat, orange peal
In the cup, a lot of flower notes reminds us of iris, then notes of stone fruits, tea and lemon confit. This profil increases when the coffee cools down. Just lovely!
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