Producer Freddy Blandino
Farm name El Hormiguero
Region Mosonte, Nueva Segovia
Altitude 1450 – 1600 masl
Processing washed
Species Arabica
Variety(ies) Bourbon Tekesic
Harvest Jan - Mar
El Hormiguero, or ‘the anthill’ in Spanish, is a small farm of a dozen of hectares in the mountains of Mosonte, a municipality of Nueva Segovia in the north of the country.
Freddy Blandino comes from the second generation of El Hormiguero producers. An only son, he manages the farm alone with the help of 10 workers during the harvest period. Well established in the community, he works on neighboring farms during the low season.
Le Process
This is a typical washed coffees
the coffees dry on raised beds
Le Projet bridazul
Bridazul is a holistic project that saw the light of day in 2019. Created by Claudia Lovo and Tim Willems, it aims to support a group of producers from Nueva Segovia region.
Claudia is Nicaraguan while Tim is Belgian and has worked in coffee for now nearly 20 years, both in Europe and in Nicaragua. Claudia bought a farm in 2016, El Arbol, where she developed the carbonic maceration process.
Together, they founded Bridazul with the aim of sharing know-how, giving access to the infrastructure necessary to ferment coffees and discussing about the future of coffee in Nicaragua. Indeed, the Nicaraguan coffee culture is one of the most affected by climate change. On a second hand, the project will support farmers that want to transition to other crops and be less dependent of coffee. Much support is given to producers that want to implement polyculture on the farm.
Bridazul brings together around fifty producers with small and medium-sized farms (less than 10 hectares on average).
Arôme: Brioche, apple, stone fruits
Flavours: Stone fruits, honey, peanut butter, rapadura