

Producer Saulo Zeledón

Farm name El Cipres

Region Matagalpa

Altitude 1200 – 1500 masl

Processing 2/3 Washed
1/3 Anaerobic Natural

Species Arabica

Variety(ies) Caturra

Harvest January - March


Saulo is an agronomist that one day, bought a farm with his brother. They started from scratch, both never having produced coffee before. But they had a vision to created a symbiotic coffee farm, that respected both the humans and the ecosystems.

El Cipres grow coffee under an agroforestry system, only using organic products. He coffee is chemicals free both in the fields and in your cup. His focus was to reduce the impact of his farm: the water cycle reuses rain water and makes sure used water is treated before exiting the farm. This has a positive effect on the biodiversity, ou health, but it also protects the workers on the farm.

Located in a relative high altitude, El Cipres is a 20 ha farm perched on the mountain slopes of the city of Aranjuez. Saulo believed that the combination of a high altitude, humid soils and the dense shade given by tall trees, allowed him to get the best our of his varieties.

Having studied farming practices in other coffee origins, he has also focused in processing. All coffees are processed on the farm.

Saulo pasted away in 2024, has was 42. The work he started gives hope to his farm, his land and everybody involved. We are happy to honour his work his this lot.

the process

This 100% Caturra lot blends 2/3 of a fully washed process, and 1/3 of a anaerobic Natural.

Saulo liked extended fermentation times, the anaerobic coffee ferments for approximately 20h before drying on raised beds.

This blends is easy to roast because of the homogeneity of the Caturra beans. The Natural anaerobic gives some extra fruitiness and some “funk” to a larger more affordable lot. It also brings more body if you use it for espresso.

bridazul Project

Bridazul is a holistic project born in 2019 and created by Claudia Lovo and Tim Willems. It aims to support producers that desire to turn to the specialty market while taking action to reduce climate change impacts on the coffee production.

Claudia is Nicaraguan, and owner of El Arbol, the farm where the carbonic maceration was developed in the early 2010s. Tim is Belgian, worked in roasteries and coffee shops in Europe before falling in love with Nicaragua, and not only… Together, they founded Bridazul to share know-how across producers and give access to the necessary infrastructure to ferment and process specialty coffees. Bridazul is also a place where future of coffee in Nicaragua is often discussed.

Indeed, Nicaragua is one of the most affected countries by climate change, and coffee crops are among the ones that suffer the most. In a second plan, the project will aims to create a group of producers who transition towards complementary crops, therefore producing and depending less on coffee alone. This will also favor more diversity and incentive a more balanced way of doing agriculture.

Bridazul brings together around fifty producers with small and medium-sized farms (less than 10 hectares on average)


Aromas: milk chocolate, vanilla, strawberry
Flavor: chocolate, stone fruits, cinnamon bread